Why small businesses fail and how to stop the leaks!


About Brent

A “serial” entrepreneur, Brent Garrett started his first business at the age of twenty four. Armed with just five thousand dollars and a 50 page business plan, he remains a successful business leader 33 years later. Brent has experienced every aspect of a small business cycle, Brent including the ups and downs of being inches from bankruptcy to enjoying great financial success, and selling his first company to a Fortune 300 company.

“Being an entrepreneur is the scariest, most rewarding, challenging and deeply satisfying thing I have ever done in my business life!”, says Brent. He believes that successful businesses are more about perspiration than inspiration. Owners are not born, they are made!

book cover

Swirling The Drain

Brent Garrett - Small Business Owner - Author of the soon to be released book: "Swirling the Drain"  Why small businesses fail and how to stop the leaks!

Why small businesses fail and how to stop the leaks!

Every small business starts with a dream! The dream of something better, something different.  The truth is, that dream has a 20% chance of surviving past the first year.  If that dream survives the first year, it has a less than 50% chance of being in business four years later.

Swirling The Drain is uniquely designed to beat the discouraging odds of small business failure. Every small business starts with the dream of being the boss, financial independence, and a better quality of life! Like water going down a drain, your money and dreams are lost in the swirl of small business disaster and failure.   Reverse the swirl by re-setting your dream, understanding the process, and redirecting the “flow” of your business.

Top 5 reasons why small businesses fail:

  1. Lack of research and a plan
  2. Run out of cash
  3. Poor marketing strategy
  4. Grow too quickly
  5. Owner won’t seek help

The first commandment of any business owner:

"Thou shalt not delegate the culture or financials of your business."

The four undeniable stages of small business growth: The FLOW of a successful small business.

  1. Own a job - Producer Phase
  2. Own a job and create jobs - Technician/Mentor phase
  3. Lead the team - Full-Time Mentor Phase
  4. Lead the mentors - Own a Business

Stop the leaks process:

  1. Plan - Goal Setting
  2. Organize - Commit to process and checklists
  3. Motivate - Direct
  4. Evaluate - Control

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Brent and Jeni Garrett Founders of Sirius Plumbing and Air Conditioning

With over two decades of industry and service business ownership, the Garretts founded Sirius Plumbing and Air Conditioning with with one goal in mind – to treat customers like family. And in our family, we expect the best of each other.   LEARN MORE